Dads Lead Worship [without music]


It really is an amazing thing… fatherhood. It is one of the most amazing, blessed experiences all wrapped up into some of the most challenging and character building times on the face of the planet – and if you are a dad, you know that isn’t an exaggeration.  I was talking with a friend last night about how leading a family is much like leading them into Worship (without music). Our Christian culture is so fixated on worship being musical that we overlook the daily family life that can be an amazing worship experience… it is not as flashy as our lights, guitars and drums at times. But there are huge rewards when we (dads) lead well (not perfect) but surrendered to Jesus. That is our quest, to explore the depth of leading our families well in worship as Romans 12:1-2 & Eph 6:4 direct us.

We hope and pray this online community will provide encouragement fathers to be real, transparent, and great leaders for their families. There are FAR too many avenues for dads to be distracted from the most important task at hand: leading their family well.

Eph 6:4
Eph 5: 25-31


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